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时间:2013-08-12 15:49:53  来源:MBA培训网  点击:



How to achieve more profits?

关键词:交易额 ↑ 成本 ↓

To achieve higher profits, we need to improve our sales revenue while reduce our cost.

如果是母语国家的人,可能延伸的更加丰富:How to achieve higher profits? I guess it depends, like, first we have to make sure our sales revenue is getting high, which means more customers are buying our products, and at the same time, we also have to come up with ideas to reduce our cost, which will likely to further enlarge our profit margin…..

Why English is important for MBA?

关键词:MBA英文教学 √   就职 √    
It’s because, first of all, we need English to better learn our MBAclasses, secondly, English will be important for us to get a better job in the future.


How did you spend your Spring Festival?

Spring festival is the most important festival for Chinese people, there are many activities which can do, firstly, I will visit relative and have dinner with them, and secondly I will watch the spring festival gala evening on CCTV.

关键词: 团聚   会友    TV

提示:团聚 family reunion

What is the difference between a manager and a leader?

关键词: 领导者:战略!      管理者:执行!

提示:a,制定战略:make a strategy   b,执行:execution

I think the difference between a manager and a leader is that the manager will make a strategy, and the leader will do the execution.

What qualifications is a manager supposed to have?

自信心 √  情商EQ √  分析能力和专业知识 √ 任务分工和时间管理 √

I believe the confidence is most important to a manager, meanwhile, EQ, analytical skill, domain knowledge, time management skill and task distribution are also pay a very important role.

Why did Wall-Mart fail to grow big in China?

关键词: × CN消费习惯     卫星管理  ×in CN

提示:a,shopping habits     b,satellites-based global management system
What shall we do to promote the development in western regions?

关键词: 人才→西    ↑基建     优惠政策√

提示:a,encourage talents     b,infrastructure       c,preferential policies

Why don you want to apply for a MBAdegree?

关键词:↑管理知识    转行√

提示:a,management knowledge     b,change career



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