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时间:2013-08-23 10:55:49  来源:MBA培训网  点击:

Animals in their natural state are part of the wonder of creation and the beauty of our world. However, as a result of the steady growth of the world population, there is less and less room on our planet for wild animals. Unless something is done, some species of animals will cease to exist in their wild state, which also means a disaster to human beings.

One of the effective measures to avoid the extinction of wild animals is for all countries to create nature reserves where all the native species of animals can wander freely and be protected from man. Certain rare species that are going to be extinct should be collected, fed and reproduced artificially.

From what we see happening in many parts of the world, the main danger to animal existence comes from man’s activities. I should like to see an international law, forbidding the use and sale of meat, skins, horns and tusks from wild animals. We do great wrong if we allow any of their species to die out.


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